Thursday, June 27, 2013

Burry My Heart On The Mission Field Lyrics

A young girl weeps in a far distant land
She has no one to show her God's love.
No mother or father to wipe away her tears
She cries out in the night alone.

Bury my heart on the mission field, Lord
I'll go to dry that young girl's tears
I'll serve you no matter where the path may lead
Lord, please bury my heart

A mother grieves for her starving child;
She has no shelter from the cold
Earthly provisions will ease their suffering,
But who will feed their empty souls?

Bury my heart on the mission field Lord
I'll give the Gospel to the suffering ones
I'll go wherever you want me to go
Lord, please bury my heart

Will you ignore these lost souls in the night?
Can you hear their pleading cries?
They're begging for someone to show them the way;
We must go before another one dies.

Bury my heart on the mission field, Lord
These distant voices won't fade away
I'll do Your will no matter the cost
Lord, please bury my heart

I'll do Your will no matter the cost
Lord, please bury my heart
Lord, I give you my heart

After I Bow To The King Lyrics

by Randy Simpson

When the gates of my faith are far behind,
And the land of my dreams shall be mine;
With the world below then I'll know,
All the beauty this world has never known.
Heaven will be waiting for me,
After I see His Majesty.

I will walk the streets of gold,
I will talk with saints of old;
I will rise with the angels to sing,
After I bow to my King.

Making my way to His throne,
And there I'll stand in the presence of God alone;
There will be splendor and royalty.
Surrounding His Majesty.
"Worthy"! I'll sing.
O bending my knees,
I'll bow to the King of kings.

I will walk the streets of gold,
I will talk with saints of old;
I will rise with the angels to sing,
After I bow to my King.

Yes, I will rise with the angels to sing,
After I bow to my King.

After I bow to my King.

A World We Never Touch Lyrics

1st Verse: He walked along the shores of Galilee
From clay He formed the healing balm
That caused the blind to see
When stones of wrath lay heavy in their hands
He knelt to write His mercy in the sand
Jesus came to set the captives free
Showed us by the way He lived
The way we need to be
Oh love is more than words could ever say
We must touch them with compassion
To help them find their way

Chorus: How can we reach a world we never touch?
How can we show them Christ
If we never show them love?
Just to say we care will never be enough
How can we reach a world we never touch?

2nd Verse: Could we be so busy being saved
Trying to impress a world that's long since lost its way
We pride ourselves in being set apart
Yet we don't have time to touch a broken heart
Even if we found the time to care
Would we take the risk involved in always being there
Oh we hold the very thing they need so much
Sometimes the Word of life can pass
Through just a simple touch

Repeat Chorus

Bridge: We hide behind these walls
And the security of friends
While beyond the stained glass windows
The world is lost in sin

There's Still Power In The Blood of Jesus Lyrics

There's Still Power In The Blood

There's still power in the blood of Jesus
(there's still)Hope in a troubled, dying land
There's still cleansing in that crimson stream that frees us
There's still power in the blood, power in the blood
There's still power in the blood of the Lamb

Men have tried to say the blood is useless
They say that in this modern day, love is all you need
Well, I've never seen a love more tried and tested
Than the love that came streaming down the cross of Calvary


Nothing but the blood can purify me
my sins were washed away, when I stepped in the cleansing blood
When I needed victory over Satan
I just stand my ground, look at him, and I claim the blood

(key change)
Repeat Chorus:

To Rescue A Sinner Like Me Lyrics and Chords

To rescue a sinner like me

D                   Dmaj7         D         F#m
I don’t understand how a God so divine
G          D          Em              A    A7
Could lower Himself to a life such as mine
D                                   F#m         D
And consider me worth every minute of time
G            A               D   A7
To rescue a sinner like me
D               Dmaj7    D               F#m
When I think of my Savior alone on the cross
G                    D
I know without him
Em                 A    A7
That my life would be lost
D                     Bm       D
If he had not been willing to suffer the cost
G            A               D     A7
To rescue a sinner like me

D             Bm                  F#m]
To rescue a sinner like me, Lord
G             Em           A     A7
To rescue a sinner like me
D              A   D                   G            D
He abandoned his throne and his kingdom above
G            A               D
To rescue a sinner like me
D              Dmaj7       Bm
My mind is so limited that I cannot see
G              D          Em               A    A7
The reason he died and arose just for me
D                Bm         D
So unworthy was I, yet he gave willingly
G            A               D
To rescue a sinner like me
(Repeat Chorus)
Bm                         F#m
To rescue a sinner as worthless as I
G                  Em        A     A7
Yet he gave me a reason to sing
Bm                               F#m
It’s so hard to believe but it happened to me
G           Em          A
Hallelujah to Jesus my king
B      B7
My king

E           Dbm               G#m
To rescue a sinner like me, Lord
A            F#m           B   B7
To rescue a sinner like me
E              B   E                    A              E
He abandoned his throne and his kingdom above
A             B              E   Dbm
To rescue a sinner like me

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Uriah Lyrics

Uriah was a mighty man of valor,
He was strong, and he was brave, and he was true.
He had won so many battles, he was faithful to the end,
Until the day he met betrayal at the hand of a trusted friend.

Uriah pressed forward, Uriah pressed hard,
And he was strong in the battle for the Lord,
But when the enemy was nearest, and the fighting grew too hot,
The army withdrew, and . . . Uriah was lost.

We too are fighting in a fearsome battle,
We must be strong, we must be brave, we must be true,
But after oh, so many battles, when a brother gets a wound,
Do we blame him, 'cause he's careless, do we leave him all too soon?

The soldier pressed forward, the soldier pressed hard,
And he was strong in the battle for the Lord,
But when the enemy was nearest, and the fighting grew too hot,
The army withdrew, and . . . the soldier was lost.

There are soldiers all around us who have fallen.
They were strong and they were brave and they were true,
But now because they're weak and wounded, we turn our hearts to stone,
We watch them drop their weapons, exposed and all alone,

Bridge: Oh, who upon the field of battle leaves a friend alone,
When the enemy is strongest, who would dare desert their own?
Oh, who will stand beside their brothers, watch and weep and pray,
Who will raise a wounded soldier, to fight another day?

Oh, soldiers press forward, oh, soldiers press hard,
And be strong in the battle for the Lord,
And when the enemy is nearest, and the fighting grows too hot,
May we fight as one man, may we fight as one man,
May we fight as one man, that not one soldier may be lost.

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Lyrics and Chords

 C              G
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
           F       G      C
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
           C              G
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
           F       G      C
Call for songs of loudest praise.
          Am              F
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
           C              F
Sung by flaming tongues above.
           C                  G
Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it,
           F    G       C
Mount of Thy redeeming love.

Sorrow I shall have in spirit,
Till released from flesh and sin,
Yet from what I do inherit,
Here Thy praises I’ll begin;
Here I raise my praises ever;
Here by Thy great help I’ve come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.

Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood;
How His kindness yet pursues me
Mortal tongue can never tell,
Clothed in flesh, till death shall loose me
I cannot proclaim it well.

O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.

O that day when freed from sinning,
I shall see Thy lovely face;
Clo-thed then in blood washed linen
How I’ll sing Thy sovereign grace;
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry,
Take my ransomed soul away;
Send thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day.